Lower Back Pain Physiotherapy
Lower back pain is the most common complaint seen in physiotherapy practices across the western world. It is second only to the common cold as a primary cause of sick leave in Ireland with sufferers taking an average of 11 days off work a year due the condition. Statistics show that over 80% of the population will suffer from lower back pain at some stage in their lifetime. The vast majority of people will recover from an episode of lower back within 2-6 weeks. In up to 30% of cases however back pain persists or re-occurs.
Back pain sufferers need to seek professional help early for an accurate diagnoses and a comprehensive treatment plan. This will help to relieve symptoms and address any underlying causes. There are a number of structures in the lower back which can result in lower back pain, when injured. These include the muscles, ligaments, facet joints, nerves and intervertebral discs. Below is a list of conditions which can cause lower back pain.
Conditions associated with Lower back Pain
- Schuermanns disease
- Sciatica
- Sacroiliac joint problems
- Disc related lower back pain
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Muscle strains
- Facet joint syndrome
- Disc herniation
- Pinched nerve
- Instability
- Postural deficiency